PTA: Tonight!

Don’t forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There will be a meeting of the Eyton School Parent Teacher Association at 6pm in school


  1. Review constitution.
  2. New Committee
    -Vice Chairs
  3. 2018/19 Treasurer’s Report – discuss Internet banking
  4. 2018/19 Chair’s Report
  5. Fundraising goals
  6. Proposed spending 2019/20
  7. Meeting dates 2019/20

Message from the Chair

Many thanks to everyone who has supported the work at Eyton School through the PTA this year. We have given, baked, raffled, knitted, brewed and rallied until we could do no more. The children have absolutely thrived and loved every event. We have been able to provide buses for trips and have contributed to the development of computer technology at the school. We have also had a little fun ourselves too! 

Unfortunately, this year will be a greater challenge. Money is tighter than ever as everyone has more demands on their time and finances. It is going to take a group effort to be able to continue to provide those little extras that our children love so much. Please come along to this meeting and help make a difference to your child’s education. Tea and coffee will be provided as well as cake! Thanks