Welcome / Croeso!

    Headteacher’s Message

    Tomorrow’s success begins today!

    Thank you for visiting our school website. Here you can begin to get a flavour of the opportunities that we provide at our fabulous school. It is our aim to give all of our pupils the best possible start in life.

    The school boasts a professional, dedicated team and we strive for the highest possible standards of achievement and learning, as well as believing passionately that every child is unique with special talents and potential. We work hard to build successful relationships with parents, carers, the local community and the other schools in Wrexham LA and the Maelor Cluster, as we believe that partnership is a key part of driving success for our pupils.

    Our school vision is to provide the children at Eyton Church in Wales V.C. Primary School with an outstanding education and high aspirations for their future. We have a vibrant School Council as our learner’s voices are valued, listened to and acted upon. Our Eco-Council enables our learners to proactively tackle climate change and make a real difference to our carbon footprint at Eyton and in the wider world. Our E-Cadets ensure that our learners are E-safety aware, taking key messages back to our families and our community. The ethos committee promote well-being and spirituality in our rural, Church in Wales school.

    It is our mission to provide our pupils with a stimulating and engaging curriculum in a safe and secure environment. We believe that emotional wellbeing is essential in developing positive behaviour and academic success. We value and respect all individuals and our ethos gives our community the confidence to achieve their full potential and to be the best that they can be, and in doing so make a positive contribution to society.

    Of course, the best way to find out about us is to visit.  Interested visitors are warmly welcome.  Please phone up to make an appointment with the office.

    It would be really great to meet you.

    Louise Whitgreave